Hotels of the Year ® Scotland 2023 | Hotel Honours Night™ Sunday 4th June  2023 in Glasgow

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triSaas - Premier Sponsors 2025 of the National Hotels of the Year Scotland

P R E M I E R   2 0 2 5   S P O N S O R


Hotels of the Year® Scotland is run by team embracing not only 22 years' experience of the program but an Advisory Group of industry experts and a large Research, Judging & Review team including industry leaders and GMs.

You can take part as a
Supporting Active Member for the most advantages, or as a Basic Free Member. Since our post-Covid restructuring we have reduced Membership costs by 50-65% and it's all very flexible.

2025 Supporting Active Membership leaflet

2025 Logos, Certificates & Trophy information

The awards program is uniquely comprehensive, founded on deep industry knowledge, good values and integrity.

We'd love your hotel + team to get the max out of the full awards program in 2025 as it goes from strength to strength and as we work with organisations like ScotHot and the Scottish Tourism Alliance.

Entry has only a few obligations, mainly so we can do research, judging or reviewing. We'll work with you for accurate, helpful, supportive results.

two ways to
get involved

1. We get in touch
As research continues year-round we send out lovely
Nomination Letters or E-Mails to hotels / individuals selected on merit. They'll arrive in the run-up to both the annual Hotels of the Year Awards Night in Spring, or the Hotel People of the Year Awards in early Summer.

2. You get in touch
Tell us you want to enter! Good hotels are most welcome to
Enter / Get in touch - we'll be delighted to hear from you. If you'd like to go ahead with (or renew) your Supporting Active Membership advantages here's the Quick Join / Renew link.

We'll do our best to advise and plan the best approach - discussing most appropriate and helpful categories and your best options.

We can't promise to include all who apply without Supporting Active Membership as we don't have unlimited resources, and must do all the research. But we do our best. And the new, lower Membership Rates can be in instalments. Our friendly team has always been keen to help hotels move towards future success. We hope to work with you, too.

Thank you to all Active Members. Without your support this high-quality, fully-researched Scottish hotel program would simply not be viable.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Quick Join / Renew

Enquiries - Can we help?

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National Hotels of the Year ~ 2025 Scotland | Member logo
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