Hotels of the Year ® Scotland 2023 | Hotel Honours Night™ Sunday 4th June  2023 in Glasgow



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We're here to encourage and motivate as helpfully as possible - pleased to be able to include leading hotels and great people on merit. How much a hotel becomes involved, or would enjoy using the scheme to boost the business or staff, is your option - just let us know. The advantages of both options are below.

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Supporting Active Member
As a fully Supporting Active Member you will receive all the advantages we can offer. We appreciate Members greatly as it is your valued contribution that enables the comprehensive and carefully designed scheme to operate.

Lower Membership Rates 2025
Payment can be in instalments

Guaranteed Participation
full Research, Judging / Review visits(s) by arrangement, with meetings / interviews. You will definitely be included in this year's full program.

Full Participation for People
In addition to our direct Nomination & Finalist Letter system we invite you to propose Management, Owners and S
taff for entry in both the HOTY awards and the Hotel People of the Year awards. We will work with you to support your team and do all necessary research / interviews to select and finalise any suitable Nominees / Finalists - with Winners chosen as usual by expert Judges.

Right to use 2025 © Member Logo

Right to use 2025 © Finalist / Winner Logo(s)

Reception Wall Plaque, Sign or Framed Certificate

Exclusive Page on*

Highlight on Results Pages if award won

Full Page on our new consumer guide with review / feature / interview / gallery / details of any awards. We can add features as you prefer: direct booking, news, offers, images, respected awards (AA, Thistle, etc.), newspaper / magazine links, TA, etc. Your pages can link from a customised logo button designed to be added to your site. You will have a unique URL.

Blue Hotel Plaque
Format options are available for the exciting new descriptive rating system: this may be a helpful bonus of Active Membership since the VisitScotland QA star rating scheme has ended.

Upgraded Presentation
If your hotel / Finalist individual is a Winner at the awards you will receive a larger,
beautifully framed A3 Certificate. Certain category winners will also receive a trophy or exclusive medal. And, as a Member, if you cannot make the event, we will present it formally with a banner backdrop - just ask!

Upgraded Crystal Trophy Option
Receive an
official crystal trophy should you win: opt-in for this in advance and you will be presented on the night. Choose from approved upgraded items at cost price from our supplier - payment is only due if you win.

PR and Social Media Promotion
We will happily assist you with regard to your own
press releases and you will enjoy boosted features in our social media pages and access to all our event photography.
Thank you to all Active Members!
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Basic Free Member
Taking part as a Basic Free Member is, of course, free, apart from any direct costs. It's available if the hotel is suitable, and if we're able and enabled to do the research and judging fully on an equal basis with Supporting Active Members.

Award Title
If won

Award Certificate
If won

If won, you are Listed on the Results Pages

Please note: we must confirm you're accepted as a Basic Free Member participant. If the © Logo is used Supporting Active Membership rates will be charged as the Logo is one of the exclusive Member rights ~ thank you.

Quick Join / Renew

Enquiries - Can we help?

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Hotels of the Year Scotland | Membership page
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